Matches 1 to 100 of 31,902
# | Notes | Linked to |
2 | They reared their family on Carr Creek, Knott County, Kentucky near theold Carr Church. They are buried in the Stamper Cemetary about a milebelow this church. This cemetary is called Ball Point Cemetary. by Carlice Breeding, 1968 | Francis, Samuel (I27970)
3 | It is with much sadness and a aching heart that I will tr y to write theobituary of a dear sweet mother who was so p recious to me. Daisy HallMitchell was born August 5, 1909 , and passed away September 1, 1984,making her stay here o n earth 75 years and 26 days. Mom was the oldest daughter of the late Rev. J. M. Hall an d Mary JaneHall of Ligon, Kentucky. She leaves five sister s behind to mourn herloss. They are: Dacie Mitchell, Hi Ha t, Kentucky, Dinah Adkins, Minford,Ohio, Oma Pennington, L igon, Kentucky, Ida Mae Bailey, Pikeville,Kentucky, Maxin e Ward, McDowell, Kentucky. On January 25, 1925, she married a wonderful companion Cri t "Dude"Mitchell. The Lord blessed them with 58 years toge ther before they hadto part. Unto this union were born ele ven children, one died in infancy,ten children survive, fi ve sons and five daughters. They are: CarlMitchell & Willi e Mitchell Beaver, Kentucky, Crit Jr. Mitchell, Beaver,Ken tucky, Daniel Mitchell, Beaver, Kentucky, Paul Randall Mitc hell,Beaver, Kentucky, Madge Walters, Hamilton, Ohio, Meld a Dillow, GardenCity, Michigan, Ruby Hamilton, Flat Rock , Michigan, Margaret Lois Slone,Columbus, Ohio, Vivian Kea thley, Beaver, Kentucky. , Mom was so brave in her last years here on earth. She had b een sick forfive years with the awful disease of cancer. S he never joined thechurch, but she told of a wonderful exp erience she had of being withJesus and walking with him an d holding hands on streets of pure gold.That is why she i s no longer with us here on earth, he needed a specialange l for his home above. I miss her so much as the days go by , but Iknow she is at rest and is with her Saviour, and wi th my Pop and brothertoo. So in closing I will say sleep o n sweet Mother I hope to meet yousomeday. Written by a broken hearted daughter, Vivian Keathley | Hall, Daisy (I107102)
4 | Name: William Bach SSN: 269-10-0075 Last Residence: 40508 Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky Born: 2 Oct 1880 Died: Sept 1966 State (Year) SSN issued: Ohio (Before 1951) Kentucky Death Index, 1911 - 2000: Name: William E. Bach Death Date: 5 September, 1966 Death Place: Fayette County Age: 085 Residence: Fayette County Volume: 42 Certificate 20574 | Bach, William Everett (I121429)
5 | 17634 Entries: 3997 Updated: Sat Aug 25 17:19:06 2001 Contact: Unknown -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index | Descendancy | Register | Pedigree | Ahnentafel | Download GEDCOM| Add Post-em -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID: I3163 Name: SARAH CAROLINE BLAIR Sex: F Birth: 15 JAN 1862 in ,LETCHER CO.,KENTUCKY Death: 7 MAY 1919 Burial: BLAIR CEM.,COWAN CREEK,LETCHER CO.,KENTUCKY Reference Number: GED Father: FRANCIS MARION BLAIR b: 3 AUG 1836 in ,HARLAN CO.,KENTUCKY Mother: REGINA DORINDA DINGUS b: 21 MAR 1838 in ,SCOTT CO.,VIRGINIA Marriage 1 JOSEPH PRESTON BROWN b: AUG 1860 in ,LETCHER CO.,KENTUCKY Married: 1879 in ,LETCHER CO.,KENTUCKY 179. SARAH CAROLINE8 BLAIR (REGINA7 DINGUS, MAHALE6 WELLS, REBECCA5SHEPHERD, WILLIAM4, SAMPSON3, THOMAS2, ISRAEL1)1 was born January 15,18621. She married JOSEPH PRESTON BROWN1, son of WILLIAM BROWN andLEUTISHA DAY. He was born August 18601, and died April 11, 19431. | Blair, Sarah Caroline (I81992)
6 | 27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999 Don Chesnut -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ID: I457 Name: Woolery EVERSOLE Sex: M Birth: 1794 in PA?, NC [1850 Census Suggests 1794] Christening: in Lived In Perry Co. All His Life Death: 4 SEP 1871 in KY Burial: in Not The Woolery Who Married Jestin Collins Change Date: 24 JAN 1999 Father: Jacob EVERSOLE b: ABT 1760 in Lancaster, PA Mother: Mary (Anna Maria?) KESSLER b: 1764 in PA Marriage 1 Lucy CORNETT b: 12 JAN 1789 in 1850 Census Suggests 1796 Married: 17 JUN 1813 in Clay Co., KY | Eversole, Woolery (I4252)
7 | 27998 total entries, last updated Mon Oct 18 05:50:09 1999 Don Chesnut -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ID: I460 Name: Mary (Anna Maria?) KESSLER Sex: F Birth: 1764 in PA Death: ABT 1834 in Perry Co., KY Occupation: Mary's Father May Be As Listed Here; HansHad A Daughter EDUC: Whose Name Was Anna Maria "Mary" Change Date: 26 JUL 1998 Father: Hans Abraham KESSLER b: 1720 in Germany Mother: Maria Magdalena "Mary" Marriage 1 Jacob EVERSOLE b: ABT 1760 in Lancaster, PA Married: ABT 1784 in Lancaster, PA? Children John EVERSOLE b: 1785 in PA? Peter EVERSOLE b: 1787 in PA? Abraham EVERSOLE b: 1790 in PA?; Ashe Co., NC [1794-6 Is Too Late] Woolery EVERSOLE b: 1794 in PA?, NC [1850 Census Suggests 1794] Mary "Polly" EVERSOLE b: ABT 1796 in PA?, NC Sarah "Sally" EVERSOLE b: ABT 1797 in Ashe Co., NC Joseph EVERSOLE b: ABT 1800 in NC Nancy EVERSOLE William? EVERSOLE | Kessler, Anna Maria (I5483)
8 | Date of death info from: Also known as "Peggy" The Death Cert of daughter Mary Polly Combs Allen says Alfred was born in VA and Margaret was born in Breathitt Co., KY. | Noble, Margaret (I15959)
9 | Delcinea moved with her father and family to louisa, Lawrence County, KY.They lived on a branch of Lick Creek called Shake Rage, three miles southof Louisa. There she met Abe Webb, a Widower, from the Mill Creek section of FortGAy, WV. Abe had 7 children from his first wife, Jane Bolden, who died inchildbirth. They married and moved to Ironton, OH. All of Delcinea and Abe's children were born in Ironton, OH. Abe worked as a Steel Mill Hand with the Belle Fort Steel Corp. for 40years. All the children grew up and stayed in OH. | Webb, Abraham (I104561)
10 | Frances and her husband Robert Frazier lived in Floyd County all their lives. Robert owned 100 acres of land on Mud Creek in 1842, 100 acres near Dry Bridge in 1846, 100 acres on Frasure Creek in 1847, another 150 acres on Mud Creek in 1861, and 285 acres on Big Mus Creek in 1871 (Kentucky Land Warrants). On the 1860 census Robert owned real estate valued at $3000 with a personal estate of $1472, making him well-to-do. In 1870 his real estate was valued at $1500 with a personal estate of $1000. Robert's will probated Jan 1883. Listed Frances, daughter Martha Ellen Turner, grandson Robert Frasure, grandson Anthony Frasure, John and Eligah's legal heirs, and Fredrick Turner. | Frasure, Robert T. (I73516)
11 | From a document with data gathered by Edna Faye Kimball Gracey and Pam Duff Enright. Known to family as Whitey. The document says info on this family came from Anita Jean Evans. (Sister of Melissa) | Campbell, Mervin (I80067)
12 | He was a brother to Hiram H., who married a sister to Lucinda. They alsomoved to the Red River area of Wolfe County, Kentucky. John b. May 28,1808 d. June 26, 1849 in Wolfe County, Kentucky, and was buried at headof Elk Creek, Letcher County, Kentucky. His descendants say he was hauled100 miles by oxen to the burial place. Oliver Stamper att. in Cleveland,Ohio, says "they moved to Elk Creek by oxen team and he died later". Ivisited this cemetary in 1944. Oliver Stamper att. in Cleveland, Ohiosays the Hiram Stamper that was Sheriff of Letcher County was No. 85.,Susannah's husband. Oliver is correct. by Carlice Breeding, 1968 | Hogg, Lucinda (I6887)
13 | | Wahunsonacock, Powhatan (I27656)
14 | Information contained herein came from The Family Ledger kept primarilyby William J Hall. David died of Pneumonia during the 1913 Ohio River flood. He died at10:23 according to a family notebook, possibly written by Willliam J.Hall. He is buried in the Woodland Cemetery, Irointon, OH, just to the right ofa Civil War canon. Information contained herein came from The Family Ledger kept primarilyby William J Hall. David died of Pneumonia during the 1913 Ohio River flood. He died at10:23 according to a family notebook, possibly written by Willliam J.Hall. He is buried in the Woodland Cemetery, Irointon, OH, just to the right ofa Civil War canon. | Hall, David (I24665)
15 | Information contained herein came from The Family Ledger kept primarilyby William J Hall. Robert Hall was a timberman who bought and sold virgin timber. He was inthe woods with his men cutting trees and was killed when a tree fell onhim. He is burried on the Bill Hall Branch, Near McDowell, Floyd County, KY,at the foot of the hill where you can cross over onto Big Mud Creek. | Hall, Robert (I24685)
16 | Information contained herein came from The Family Ledger kept primarilyby William J Hall. | Hall, Susan Emaline (I9498)
17 | Information on this person comes from a 10 page Noble document found at the Kentucky Historical Society - No author given. (JR) I have conflicting sources as to the wife of Alfred Combs (Jr?) One says America Noble Another says Mintie Noble (same woman?). I don't know. (JR) | Combs, Alfred Alton Jr. (I34402)
18 | Information on this person comes from a 10 page Noble document found at the Kentucky Historical Society - No author given. (JR) Jack Noble and Turk Noble were not in this above document. I did not record where they came from. But I already had them when I posted from the above document. (JR) Susan Fahnstromm on her web page says he died in 1866. Found in George Washington Noble's book "Behold He Cometh In The Clouds": "I went down to Uncle Alfred Combs’s before my horse got well. I could see no brand on the horse as the hide was dry where the walnut had been rubbed. Uncle Alfred bad a fine branded horse which had been burned with a hot shovel to disfigure the brand, but it would show a little on a frosty morning. He said he would give me his horse for mine. His horse was in good fix and I wanted to come borne, and I said, all right,” and we swapped. I told him I had a cow up at Jake’s; I was going up there and give the cow to Jake and go home He said, Come down here and stay with us until we get ready to move and go with us and carry a load. I told him all right. I stayed with him until the last of September. He had moved from Breathitt county, Kentucky. He was the father of Capt Henderson Combs, who was a captain in the Thirteenth Kentucky Cavalry. He resigned his office and Capt Strong's men killed him. They would not let him surrender, but killed him in his own house, and went on a mile and killed David Barnett, an innocent man. Uncle Alfred had peddled on baled cotton there and carried it on horseback from Virginia to Kentucky and made enough money to buy a negro. He bought him from Al Frick in Virginia.. He was a crippled negro and was raised in Georgia. He was crippled with rheumatism His name was James. He was so small when he left Georgia that he did not know anything about their names. He is still living near Jackson, Breathitt county, Kentucky." It is said that this is who the T-Point cemetery is named. He is Alfred A "Tea" Combs. Try this link for T-Point Cemetery. The Death Cert of daughter Mary Polly Combs Allen says Alfred was born in VA and Margaret was born in Breathitt Co., KY. | Combs, Judge Alfred Alton Sr. (I15950)
19 | It is believed by some people, that he died and is buried at Jackson,Kentucky. A marriage record in Culpeper County, Virginia, "Stephen Hoggto Sarah Williams, March 22nd, 1800". It is believed they moved to NorthCarolina from Culpeper County, Virginia, and then to Letcher County,Kentucky (then Perry County) by 1801. Their son Hiram was born beforethey came. They settled in the vicinity of Whiteburg, Kentucky and laterHiram gave the land to the people on which Whitesburg was built. One ofSarah's brothers came to Kentucky with them and his offspring are livingat Whitesburg at the present. (1968) by Carlice Breeding, 1968 | Hogg, Stephen (I5560)
20 | Kentucky Death Index: William O. Blackburn d. 24 February 1989 d.p. Fayette County Age: 082 Residence: Grant County Volume Number: 13 Certificate Number: 6028 | Blackburn, William O. (I121475)
21 | Marriage record in Letcher County record book 1 page 7, date December 28,1842 by Hiram Hogg J.P., James to Lodica Frazier M. Lodica Frazier b.April 22, 1826 d. March 26, 1873. She died two years after they moved toRowan County. In 1871 they sold their farm on Kings Creek, LetcherCounty, Kentucky and their plans were to settle in Texas, but for someunknown reason they located at Cranston, (New Hope), Rowan County,Kentucky. They bought a farm six miles out of Morehead, Kentucky on thenorth fork of Triplett Creek and are buried there. In 1936 I visited thegrave site. While at Morehead College I became acquainted with theiroffsprings. I was interested in the family because my great grandmother,Peggy Hogg, was their daughter. (No. 109 in the book) I lived with TildonHogg's family while attending college, and became personally acquaintedwith the generation. It is said they were the first Hogge family to addthe letter "e" to the name Hogge. James was a man of noble character anda gentleman. In his clan were lawyers, college professors, schoolsuperintendents, judges, teachers, and hundreds of good culturedcitizens. They contributed greatly to the development of Rowan County,Kentucky. Three of his daughters married and Margaret "Peggy" Hogge hisoldest child and her son, James Ison is my grandfather. Peggy and Elijahare both buried in our family cemetary at Isom, Letcher County. She diedin 1875 and he died in 1877. by Carlice Breeding, 1968 | Hogg, James Jr. (I7853)
22 | On the marriage bond applied for by Jonathan Jr. in 1850, her name was listed as Nancy HIGGINS. | Hagans, Nancy Linville (I23758)
23 | Pruitt-new Entries: 22869 Updated: Sat Jun 22 14:31:22 2002 Contact: RobertPruitt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index | Descendancy | Register | Pedigree | Ahnentafel | Download GEDCOM| Add Post-em ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ID: I13837 Name: JOSEPH PRESTON BROWN 1 Sex: M Birth: 1 AUG 1860 in Letcher Co., KY 1 Death: 11 APR 1943 in Letcher Co., KY 1 Reference Number: 468 Father: WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN b: 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co.,KY Mother: LETITA DAY Marriage 1 SARAH CAROLINA BLAIR Married: 1878 in Letcher Co, Kentucky 1 Children JESSE BROWN b: 18 JUL 1879 Pruitt-new Entries: 22869 Updated: Sat Jun 22 14:31:22 2002 Contact: RobertPruitt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index | Descendancy | Register | Pedigree | Ahnentafel | Download GEDCOM| Add Post-em -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID: I13837 Name: JOSEPH PRESTON BROWN 1 Sex: M Birth: 1 AUG 1860 in Letcher Co., KY 1 Death: 11 APR 1943 in Letcher Co., KY 1 Reference Number: 468 Father: WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN b: 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co.,KY Mother: LETITA DAY Marriage 1 SARAH CAROLINA BLAIR Married: 1878 in Letcher Co, Kentucky 1 Children JESSE BROWN b: 18 JUL 1879 Pruitt-new Entries: 22869 Updated: Sat Jun 22 14:31:22 2002 Contact: RobertPruitt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index | Individual | Descendancy | Register | Pedigree | Download GEDCOM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahnentafel, Generation No. 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. JOSEPH PRESTON BROWN was born 1 AUG 1860 in Letcher Co., KY, and died11 APR 1943 in Letcher Co., KY. He was the son of 2. WILLIAM TECUMSEHBROWN and 3. LETITA DAY. He married SARAH CAROLINA BLAIR 1878 in LetcherCo, Kentucky, daughter of FRANCIS BLAIR and REGINA DINGUS. Child of JOSEPH PRESTON BROWN and SARAH CAROLINA BLAIR is: i. JESSEBROWN was born 18 JUL 1879. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahnentafel, Generation No. 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN was born 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co.,KY, and died 18 NOV 1914 in Indian Bottom, KY. He was the son of 4. JOHNQ BROWN and 5. ELIZABETH CAUDILL. 3. LETITA DAY. She was the daughter of 6. JOSEPH DAY and 7. DINNAHCOLLIER. Children of LETITA DAY and WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN are:1. i. JOSEPHPRESTON BROWN was born 1 AUG 1860 in Letcher Co., KY, and died 11 APR1943 in Letcher Co., KY. He married SARAH CAROLINA BLAIR 1878 in LetcherCo, Kentucky, daughter of FRANCIS BLAIR and REGINA DINGUS. ii. JESSE M BROWN was born 1862 in Letcher Co., KY. He married DICYSTANIFER. iii. JAMES HENRY BROWN was born 5 OCT 1864 in Letcher Co., KY, anddied 1 AUG 1959 in Ulvah, KY. He married MARY JANE STOUT 1884. He marriedSARAH SALLY DIXON 11 MAR 1897 in Letcher Co., KY, daughter of JAMESDIXION and SARAH STACY. iv. DIANNAH BROWN was born 1866 in Letcher Co., KY, and died 1869 inLetcher Co., KY. v. SALLIE ANN BROWN was born 1867 in Letcher Co., KY. vi. SARAH BROWN was born 1868 in Letcher Co., KY. vii. MARTHA BROWN was born 1870 in Letcher Co., KY. She married DAVEHALL. viii. DAVID C BROWN was born 22 JUL 1874 in Letcher Co., KY, and died1960 in Lothair, KY. He married POLLY ANN WHITAKER 19 JAN 1895 inKENTUCKY. ix. REBBECA ANN BROWN was born 15 AUG 1876 in Letcher Co., KY. Shemarried BILL NOBLE. x. FRANIS BROWN was born 1878 in Letcher Co., KY, and died 3 APR 1919in Letcher Co., KY. She married BRENT COLLINS. xi. MARY JANE BROWN was born 1880 in Letcher Co., KY. She marriedGEORGE W COLLINS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahnentafel, Generation No. 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. JOHN Q BROWN. He was the son of 8. VALENTINE BROWN and 9. MARYUNKNOWN. 5. ELIZABETH CAUDILL was born 18 JUN 1800 in Lunenburg Co., VA, and died11 OCT 1881 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY. She was the daughter of 10.STEPHEN CAUDILL and 11. SARAH FRANCES ADAMS. Children of ELIZABETH CAUDILL and JOHN Q BROWN are: i. SARAH SALLIEBROWN was born 12 APR 1815 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY, and died 19 APR1892 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY. She married JOSEPH ENOCH CORNETT 1837in KENTUCKY. ii. STEPHEN BROWN was born 1818 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY, anddied 1836 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY. iii. BEN BROWN was born 1822 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY, and died1863 in Letcher Co., KY. He married MARY POLLY BLAIR 25 SEP 1845 inLetcher Co, Kentucky, daughter of JOHN BLAIR and ELIZABETH HARRISON. iv. SUSANNAH BROWN was born 25 SEP 1823 in Letcher Co., KY, and died6 NOV 1884 in Letcher Co., KY. She married JOSEPH BLAIR 19 OCT 1842 inLetcher Co, Kentucky, son of JOHN BLAIR and ELIZABETH HARRISON. 2. v. WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN was born 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, LetcherCo., KY, and died 18 NOV 1914 in Indian Bottom, KY. He married LETITA DAY20 MAR 1859, daughter of JOSEPH DAY and DINNAH COLLIER. vi. MARY POPPIE BROWN was born 1827 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co, Ky.. Shemarried WILLIAM H CAUDILL 6 MAR 1845 in KENTUCKY. vii. GEORGE W BROWN was born 5 OCT 1831 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY,and died 15 JUL 1917 in KY. He married SUSANNAH WELLS 7 JAN 1856 inLetcher Co, Kentucky, daughter of EZEKIEL WELLS and EMALINE DAY. viii. HENRYETTA RITTER BROWN was born 1834 in Letcher Co., KY. Shemarried ISSAC STURGILL 1851, son of FRANCIS STURGILL and RUTH BISHOP. ix. ELIZABETH BROWN was born 1835 in KY. She married UNKNOWNSTURGILL. x. HIRAM C BROWN was born 1836 in KY. He married SARAH SALLEY BLAIR21 FEB 1867 in KENTUCKY. xi. EASTER BROWN was born 1839 in Letcher Co., KY. She married JOHNLYOYD DAY 1 MAY 1859 in KENTUCKY, son of WILLIAM DAY and JANE BROWN. Hewas born CA. 1829. xii. JESSE MARLIN BROWN was born 1840 in KY.. He married SARAH CBLAIR 1863, daughter of CHARLES BLAIR and SARAH CREECH. xiii. LARKIN BROWN was born 1846 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co, Ky.. Hemarried MARGARET ADAMS. 6. JOSEPH DAY. 7. DINNAH COLLIER. Child of DINNAH COLLIER and JOSEPH DAY is:3. i. LETITA DAY. Shemarried WILLIAM TECUMSEH BROWN 20 MAR 1859, son of JOHN Q BROWN andELIZABETH CAUDILL. He was born 11 MAR 1826 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY,and died 18 NOV 1914 in Indian Bottom, KY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahnentafel, Generation No. 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. VALENTINE BROWN. 9. MARY UNKNOWN. Child of MARY UNKNOWN and VALENTINE BROWN is:4. i. JOHN Q BROWN. Hemarried ELIZABETH CAUDILL 15 APR 1816 in Floyd Co Ky, daughter of STEPHENCAUDILL and SARAH FRANCES ADAMS. She was born 18 JUN 1800 in LunenburgCo., VA, and died 11 OCT 1881 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY. 10. STEPHEN CAUDILL was born 1763 in Lunenburg Co., VA, and died 26 JUL1839 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co., KY. He was the son of 20. JAMES CAUDILLand 21. MARY YARBOROUGH. 11. SARAH FRANCES ADAMS was born 1779 in Loudon Co., VA, and died OCT1842 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co., KY. She was the daughter of 22. BENJAMINADAMS and 23. HENRIETTA CAUDILL. Children of SARAH FRANCES ADAMS and STEPHEN CAUDILL are: i. STEPHENCAUDILL was born 7 FEB 1794 in SC, and died 1 JAN 1857 in Lawrence Co.,KY. He married SARAH YONTS JUN 1814 in Floyd Co Ky. He married SARAHYOUNTS 23 JUN 1814 in Floyd Co Ky, daughter of WILLIAM YOUNTS andMARGARET BENTLEY. He married ELIZABETH CASEBOLT 1 MAY 1828 in Pike Co,Ky.. ii. JOHN ADAMS CAUDILL was born 1 JAN 1798 in Ashe Co., NC, and died10 MAY 1873 in KY. He married RACHELL CORNETT, daughter of WILLIAMCORNETT and MARY EVERAGE. iii. BENJAMIN E. CAUDILL was born 1799 in Wilkes Co., NC, and died 27FEB 1850 in Saylersville KY. He married ABAGAIL PENNINGTON. 5. iv. ELIZABETH CAUDILL was born 18 JUN 1800 in Lunenburg Co., VA, anddied 11 OCT 1881 in Dry Fork, Letcher Co., KY. She married JOHN Q BROWN15 APR 1816 in Floyd Co Ky, son of VALENTINE BROWN and MARY UNKNOWN. v. HENRYETTA CAUDILL was born ABT 1803 in NC, and died 1835 in PertCreek, Perry Co., KY. She married GEORGE M ADAMS 20 FEB 1820. vi. EASTER ESTHER CAUDILL was born ABT 1806 in Roaring River , NC,and died 1887. She married LEVI ELDRIDGE. vii. NANCY CAUDILL was born ABT 1806 in Roaring River , NC, and died1863. She married RANDOLPH ADAMS 25 DEC 1823, son of JOHN ADAMS and LYDIASIMPSON. He was born ABT 1802 in NC. viii. SARAH CAUDILL was born ABT 1810 in NC, and died 1867 in PikeCo., KY. She married MOSE ADAMS 20 JUL 1825 in Letcher Co, Kentucky. ix. LYDIA CAUDILL was born 19 JUL 1816 in N.C.. She married NATHANIELWOLEARY CORNETT. x. JESSE B CAUDILL was born 10 NOV 1818 in NC, and died 1904 in KY.He married MARY POLLY BACK 4 APR 1844 in KENTUCKY. xi. WATSON E CAUDILL was born 14 MAR 1822 in Letcher Co., KY, anddied 5 DEC 1898. He married ELIZABETH B SMITH 1842 in Letcher Co,Kentucky, daughter of WILLIAM SMITH and ELIZABETH CHILDRESS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahnentafel, Generation No. 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. JAMES CAUDILL was born ABT 1720 in Colonial, Va. orSurry Co, Va., anddied ABT 1805 in Wilkes Co, N.C.. He was the son of 40. STEPHEN CAUDILLand 41. MARY ELIZABETH FIELDS. 21. MARY YARBOROUGH. Children of MARY YARBOROUGH and JAMES CAUDILL are: i. BENJAMINCAUDILL was born ABT 1750 in Lunenburg Co, Va.. ii. JAMES CAUDILL was born ABT 1753 in Lunenburg Co., VA, and died 30MAY 1840 in Perry Co./Letcher Co., KY. He married MARY ADAMS 1770 inWilkes Co, NC. He married SARAH ELIZABETH JAMES ABT 1788. iii. MATHEW CAUDILL was born ABT 1763 in Lunenburg Co, VA, and died1837 in Letcher Co., KY. He married SARAH WEBB ABT 1793 in Wilkes Co, NC,daughter of JAMES WEBB and ELIZABETH NELSON. She was born 8 NOV 1778 inWilkes Co, NC, and died 1867. 10. iv. STEPHEN CAUDILL was born 1763 in Lunenburg Co., VA, and died 26JUL 1839 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co., KY. He married JANE DEHART 3 MAR1784 in Wilkes Co, N.C.. He married SARAH FRANCES ADAMS 1791 in WilkesCo., NC, daughter of BENJAMIN ADAMS and HENRIETTA CAUDILL. She was born1779 in Loudon Co., VA, and died OCT 1842 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co.,KY. v. WILLIAM CAUDILL was born ABT 1764. vi. THOMAS ARON CAUDILL was born 4 JUN 1764 in LunenburgCo.,/Franklin Co., VA, and died 5 MAY 1848 in Simpson Co., KY. He marriedMARY POLLY CAUDILL. vii. MARY CAUDILL was born ABT 1765. viii. HENRYETTA CAUDILL was born ABT 1766 in Sussex Co, Va.. ix. ABNER CAUDILL was born ABT 1767. x. JOHN CAUDILL was born ABT 1768. xi. DAVID CAUDILL was born ABT 1771. xii. JESSE CAUDILL was born ABT 1774 in Lunenburg Co, Va.. Child of MARY YARBOROUGH and JAMES CAUDILL is:23. i. HENRIETTA CAUDILLwas born ABT 1766 in Sussex Co, Va.. She married BENJAMIN ADAMS, son ofJOHN ADAMS and VINNIE BAUSELL. 22. BENJAMIN ADAMS. He was the son of 44. JOHN ADAMS and 45. VINNIEBAUSELL. 23. HENRIETTA CAUDILL was born ABT 1766 in Sussex Co, Va.. She was thedaughter of 46. JAMES CAUDILL and 47. MARY YARBOROUGH. Child of HENRIETTA CAUDILL and BENJAMIN ADAMS is:11. i. SARAH FRANCESADAMS was born 1779 in Loudon Co., VA, and died OCT 1842 in Sandi Lick,Letcher Co., KY. She married STEPHEN CAUDILL 1791 in Wilkes Co., NC, sonof JAMES CAUDILL and MARY YARBOROUGH. He was born 1763 in Lunenburg Co.,VA, and died 26 JUL 1839 in Sandi Lick, Letcher Co., KY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ahnentafel, Generation No. 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40. STEPHEN CAUDILL was born 1685 in Colonial, Va. or Scotland, and died1763 in Lunenburg, Va.. 41. MARY ELIZABETH FIELDS. Children of MARY ELIZABETH FIELDS and STEPHEN CAUDILL are: i. SAMPSONCAUDILL was born ABT 1717 in Colonial, Va., and died in Lunenburg Va.. 20. ii. JAMES CAUDILL was born ABT 1720 in Colonial, Va. orSurry Co,Va., and died ABT 1805 in Wilkes Co, N.C.. He married MARY YARBOROUGH 1JAN 1748/49 in Lunenburg Co, Va.. iii. BENJAMIN CAUDILL was born 1730. 44. JOHN ADAMS. 45. VINNIE BAUSELL. Child of VINNIE BAUSELL and JOHN ADAMS is:22. i. BENJAMIN ADAMS. Hemarried HENRIETTA CAUDILL, daughter of JAMES CAUDILL and MARY YARBOROUGH.She was born ABT 1766 in Sussex Co, Va.. He married HENRIETTA CAUDILL1774 in Leesburg, Va., daughter of BENJAMIN CAUDILL. She was born 1750 inSussex Co., VA, and died NOV 1836 in Mayking, Perry Co./Letcher Co., KY. 46. JAMES CAUDILL was born 1720 in Surry Co Va.. 47. MARY YARBOROUGH Same as person number 21. | Brown, Joseph Preston (I81993)
24 | Revolutionary War soldier John Amburgey Jr. was honored July 31, 1982when Troublesome Creek Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolutionand Amburgey Family Association dedicated a gravestone marker in CarrFork Cemetary to his memory, John Amburgey Jr. was born in 1785 on a farmonce owned by his german immigrant father Conrad Amberger. Elizabeth applied for a pension stating her husband had been aRevolutionary soldier and had died in Perry County, Kentucky in 1831. Inher application for this she sent pages torn from a family bible, whichto this day may be seen in the National Archives file on John Amburgey. | Amburgey, John (I2393)
25 | [1730975.ged.FTW] Served in the War of 1812-1814 with England. He was known among thesoldiers as little (Abe) . Soon after the war closed he married andsettled on a large creek named Stillwater in Wolf e County, Kentucky. | Swango, Abraham (I22474)
26 | 22634. Dashing Stream, born May 06, 1474 in Banks Of Tributary OfLancer River, Blue Mtns. He was the son of 45268. Murmuring Ripple,Chief, Attanoughkomouck Tribe. Child of Dashing Stream is: 11317 i. Scent Flower, born June 03, 1517 in At confluence of Dan &Staunton Rivers, Virginia. | Stream, Dashing (I27666)
27 | "Talt" Hall was one of the more renowned "feudists" of Eastern Kentucky history and legend. His was the first public hanging in Wise County, Virginia, where he stood trial for the killing of the town constable of Norton. He was captured by the "Red Fox of the Mountains", "Doc" Marshall Benton Taylor. The "Hanging of Talton Hall" is recorded by author John Fox, Jr., in his book, "Blue-Grass and Rhododendron" originally published in 1901 by Charles Scribner's Sons, and later reissued by the University Press of Kentucky in 1994. | Hall, Thomas Talton (I2854)
28 | 1910 Federal Census, Kentucky Miracode Index SPURLOCK, Lige Sr., Head. Age ?? Born 1858, Born in ?? " , Lizzie, Wife, Age 50, born in Kentucky. " , Elsie, Daughter, Age 15, born in Kentucky " , Claud, Son, Age 13, born in Kentucky " , Toulmin G., Son, Age 09, born in Kentucky. " , Flossie, Daughter, Age 08, born in Kentucky. DEZARN, Hollie, Stepdaughter, Age 18 born in Kentucky. (7/04ad) | Spurlock, Elijah Jr. (I114063)
29 | 1910 KCK E Flat Lick HH#207-219 Bingham Wolford F h m w 26 mx1x4yr KKK all Belle w f w 26 mx1x4yr 2-2 Chalos s m w 3 s Cornelis s m w 7/12 | Bingham, Wolford G. (I110592)
30 | Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. | Crase, Elizabeth (I2051)
31 | Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. | Sexton, Vina E. (I122892)
32 | Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. | Breeding, Boyd Elliott (I122894)
33 | Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. | Breeding, Theodore (I122897)
34 | Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. | Breeding, Gertrude (I122898)
35 | Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. | Breeding, Hazel (I122899)
36 | Breeden1 - The Breeden family Of Virginia and parts West. | Breeding, Richard A. (I122900)
37 | Date of death was recorded in probate certificate by W. B. Booker, Clerk of the Washington County, KY, court dated 19 June, 1848. | Combs, Pvt. John Jr. (I1222)
38 | Death: 13 MAR 1964 in Knox Co., KY Note: Knox County Marriage Bond Book T page 311 dated 11-9-1899 SMITH, Robert age 27 b. Knox Co. father: Pallas Smith mother: Linda Smith MESSER, Cordia age 30 b. Knox Co. father: John Bingham mother : Sally Bingham groom's 2nd marriage brides 2nd marriage at: Cordie Messer's 1900 Knox Co. Fed. Census, Vol 2, Dwelling 85-85 SMITH, Robert 23, 7-1876, mar. 2 yrs, KY KY KY, farmer .. Corda 32, 3-1868, 3 children born - 3 living, KY KY KY MESSER, Maud 11, 1-1899, dau, KY *Corda's 1st marriage .. Frank 8, 9-1891, son, KY *Corda's 1st marriag e .. Clark 5, 12-1894, son, KY *Corda's 1st marriag e *? SMITH, Charley 6, 9-1893, son, KY *Robert's 1st marriage .. Pearly 4, 12-1895 dau, KY *Robert's 1st marriag e 1910 KCK Messer HH#5-5 Smith Robert h m w 35 mx3?x11yr KKK all Cordie w f w 40 mx2x11yr 7-7 Charlie s m w 17 s Pearl d f w 16 s Sudie d f w 10 s Ellen d f w 7 s Maud d f w 5 s Christopher s m w 3 s Messer Frank stsn m w 18 s Clark stsn m w 16 s 1920 KCK Hubbard HH#14-14 Smith Bob h m w 49 m KKK all Cordie w f w 52 m Ellen d f w 18 s Sudie d f w 14 s Cris s m w 14 s Amanda d f w 11 s Messer Clark stsn m w 22 s #15-15 Messer Frank h m w 30 m Martha w f w 24 m ~1895 Lodas s m w 7 s Oplis? s m w 5 s Sallie d f w 9/12 s | Smith, Robert (I110401)
39 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Fulkerson, Rachel (I105262)
40 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Joseph W. Jr. (I105265)
41 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Nancy Emily (I105266)
42 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Peter Fulkerson (I105267)
43 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Bradford, Mary Dunbar (I105268)
44 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, William Barney Sr. (I105269)
45 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, James William (I105270)
46 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Andrew Jackson (I105271)
47 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Joseph Henry (I105272)
48 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Robert Lee (I105273)
49 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Mattie Thomas (I105274)
50 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Andrew (I105275)
51 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Peter (I105276)
52 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Thornton (I105277)
53 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Emily (I105278)
54 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Thomas Elton Sr. (I105279)
55 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Sikes, Mary C. (I105280)
56 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Henry Clinton (I105281)
57 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Earl Thompson (I105283)
58 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Lena Mae (I105284)
59 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Annie Emily (I105285)
60 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Elma Lee (I105286)
61 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Mabel Lillian (I105287)
62 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Stella Rebecca (I105288)
63 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Bayer, Mary Lucy (I105289)
64 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | French, Mary Ethel (I105293)
65 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Hazel (I105294)
66 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Margarie Elizabeth (I105295)
67 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Weaks, Omer Henry (I105298)
68 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Walden, Joseph R. (I105299)
69 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | McCarty, Eleanor Elizabeth (I105303)
70 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | McCarty, Robert Lee (I105305)
71 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | McCarty, Winifred Louise (I105308)
72 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Eades, William Ira (I105310)
73 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Pitzing, William B. (I105314)
74 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Angle, Clarence (I105318)
75 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Powell, Mary Ann (I105321)
76 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Nancy (I105322)
77 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Mary (I105323)
78 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, James Powell Sr. (I105324)
79 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Baber, Mourning (I105325)
80 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, James Powell Jr. (I105326)
81 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Manoah Bostick (I105327)
82 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Houston, Jane F. (I105328)
83 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Julia (I105329)
84 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Armstrong, Aaron (I105330)
85 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Elizabeth (I105331)
86 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | McKinzie, Gabriel (I105332)
87 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Mary (I105333)
88 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Matilda (I105334)
89 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | McKenzie, Daniel (I105335)
90 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, William Sr. (I105336)
91 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Theodocia Marie (I105337)
92 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Maxwell, Erred (I105338)
93 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Lucinda Jane (I105339)
94 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Jane (I105340)
95 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Jayne, Thomas (I105341)
96 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Samuel (I105342)
97 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Mary Virginia (I105343)
98 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Traylor, Robert F. (I105344)
99 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Jayne, Martha Matilda (I105345)
100 | Extended Family Research Gedcom Updated Feb 2008 | Gray, Mourning (I105346)